SocialTruth is presented in the CoU event on 29 September

The Community of Users on Secure, Safe and Resilient Societies (CoU), launched in 2014, has developed into an efficient platform of exchanges among actors of different branches of security and crisis management.
This is an event organized by DG-HOME of the European Commission, which, in the past years, has made a series of workshops in Brussels covering the main areas of the Secure Societies Programme with close connection with parent H2020 programmes.

The CoU event on 29 September this year is entitled “Human and societal aspects of the pandemic and beyond: domestic violence, child sexual abuse, infodemic” and will be held online as a virtual conference through webex (14.00-17.00) and will be composed of two parts:

  1. a plenary session of general interest with keynote speakers from the EC, Europol and other institutions;
  2. three breakout sessions, each corresponding to one of the three key thematic areas (domestic violence, child sexual abuse, infodemic).

The third key thematic area “infodemic”, addresses the problem of online dis/misinformation in the era of COVID-19, an issue that has greatly affected our research community, especially since multiple fake news and conspiracy theories have emerged online (e.g. COVID-19 spread through 5G antennas!).

SocialTruth is participating in this third key: our own George Koutalieris is preparing a presentation on the problem of mis/disinformation and the main concept of SocialTruth.