The SocialTruth Project

Coordinator SocialTruth

ICCS is operating at the NTUA Campus. The financial and administration department is located in a separate building nearby the administration and financial buildings of NTUA. Currently, the ICCS research units and the SECE laboratories share the space of the present SECE building, while a wing for ICCS is planned in the new SECE building under construction.

Project manager


Dr. Konstantinos Demestichas

Diploma of Electrical and Computer Engineering (NTUA), Ph.D. in Telecommunications (NTUA), MBA in Techno-Economic Systems (NTUA, UNIPI), MSC in Quality Assurance (HOU).

Since 2005, Konstantinos has been actively involved with ICCS in several European and national research projects.

9, Iroon. Polytechniou Str., 157 73 Zografou Greece
(+30) 210 7721478, 210 7721527, 210 7723903
Patission Str. 42 ATHINA 10682
(+30) 210 7721478